About Here

This web blog is established for collecting useful information about building prototype with arduino or other applications. This page shuld help a designer with very basical technical cognition to build a working model or a prototyp for his design concept. We find prototyp or working model an excellent tool to test concept and understand it's usage in real condition (not only fantasy in mind). It's ofter very hard to realize every functions of a design concept. However it's our goal here to make this task easier.

What should be always keeped in mind is that we are not engineers and it's not our goal to design a perfect electron programme control. We are designers who are more willing to understand the users through prototype testing.

This web-site is still under construction and more information shall be collected. :)

Oct 5, 2011

How to regulate voltage in a circuit

If your eletric parts need different voltage in a circuit, you will need to regulate the voltage. The easist way to do that is with a voltage regulator. It not only drops the voltage but also stablizes it.

A Voltage Regulator

You tube ttutorial

Or you can build a regulator circuit which is basically built with a resistor and a diode. You need a NPN transistor to enable a larger current. Please see more in Reference.


 Any way you use to drop the voltage will cause heat. You should keep that in mind!

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