About Here

This web blog is established for collecting useful information about building prototype with arduino or other applications. This page shuld help a designer with very basical technical cognition to build a working model or a prototyp for his design concept. We find prototyp or working model an excellent tool to test concept and understand it's usage in real condition (not only fantasy in mind). It's ofter very hard to realize every functions of a design concept. However it's our goal here to make this task easier.

What should be always keeped in mind is that we are not engineers and it's not our goal to design a perfect electron programme control. We are designers who are more willing to understand the users through prototype testing.

This web-site is still under construction and more information shall be collected. :)

Mar 3, 2015

Preference Setting in Arduino IDE 1.6.0

It is very kind that this new IDE (1.6.0) detects my system language and uses it as editing and interface language. It is more comfortable for me to use English since the most resource I am using for Arduino is in English. This new IDE has the option to change the possibility to customize the interface.

Under File you can see this option Preference.
And in Preference you can see the option of Editor Language, where you can select your prefered editing language, font size, and so other properties. For me, the default font type Monospaced is not in my OS and that makes "Times New Roman" working for in my IDE, whose "1(number one)" and "l (alphabet L)" confusing me a lot. To change the font type and other properties you can edit the "preferences.txt". You can see a link on the buttom of this window under "More preference can be edited directly in the file." If you click the link, you open the folder in which preferences.txt is there.
Note! There is another preferences.txt in you IDE folder>lib> . They are different. Editing this file in the lib folder does not work by me. Also, you should only edit the preferences.txt when the IDE is not running!

The preferences.txt file looks like this:
To change the font style just find the text "editor.font=Monospaced,plain,12" and change the "Monospaced" to the complete font name you desire. Here for example I change it to "editor.font=Calibri,plain,14". There are other properties you can edit. For example, changing "editor.linenumbers=false" to true will give your IDE in every editing line a number, which can be helpful by debugging.

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